Immunopeptidomics Hackathon
SIP is proud to support a Data Standards Hackathon (DaSH 14) on Immunopeptidomics and Lipidomics
The dates are Oct 7-10, 2024.
SIP Symposium in Sassenheim
SIP is organizing a symposium in the Netherlands to honor the career of Ronald Bontrop.
The dates are Oct 7-10, 2024.
Registration available now on the SIP Symposium Website!
Frontiers in Immunology Issue
“New Perspectives in Immune Polymorphism” a Frontiers in Immunology issue, will showcase the role of HLA, KIR and LILR polymorphism in immune regulation, and illustrate how integrated analysis of these gene systems advances human health and immune therapies. The submission portal will open in July, with a link on the SIP Projects page. Contact Dr. Charles Seik-Soon Khor, PhD with questions about this issue.
Previous Events
SIP Symposium in Nantes
SIP co-organized a 1-day symposium ith the SNP-HLA Reference Consortium (SHLARC) in Nantes, France on May 24, 2024.
Registration is now available!
Spring 2024 Webinar
Advances in Long Range Sequencing for the Analysis of Human Leukocyte Antigen Genes April 23, 2024 : 0700 PDT/1400 GMT/2200 AWST
The video of this webinar is available now!
November 2023 SIP Webinar: Best Practices for Manuscript Review
On November 14th, at 1600 GMT/11AM Eastern Standard Time, the SIP held a webinar on the Peer-Review of Academic Research Manuscripts.
Graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and anyone interested in providing a manuscript review that is helpful for authors and journal editors will find this webinar to be extremely educational useful for their work.
Our speakers were:
Dr. James Mathew, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Microbiology-Immunology at Northwestern University. Dr. Mathew is the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Human Immunology.
Dr. Danillo G. Augusto, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Dr Augusto is an Associate Editor at Human Immunology, and member of the Editorial Board of the journal HLA.
Drs. Mathew and Augusto will each speak for 20 minutes, followed by a 20 minute question-and-answer session.
The video of this webinar is available now!
Inaugural SIP Membership Meeting
The society will be hold its first Membership Meeting in December of 2023. This will be a remote, one-hour meeting open to SIP members. The initial business meeting will last 15 minutes, followed by a pair of 15 minute scientific talks, and a 15 minute panel discussion. Details will be shared in September.
ASHI 2023
ASHI 2023: The Society is organizing Plenary Session II at the 49th American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetic Meeting, in San Antonio, TX. The session, “MHC Genomics: How Evolutionary Diversity of the MHC May Have Clinical Relevance” will be held on October 18th from 10:30AM to Noon, and will feature:
Dr. David Sayer, PhD, from One Lambda/ThermoFisher, presenting, “MHC Block Structure and Ancestral Haplotypes”.
Dr. Jason Chen-Shan Chin, PhD, from GeneDx, presenting, “Human Pangenomic Graph Analysis for the MHC”.
Dr. Satu Koskela, PhD, from Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, presenting, “MHC Genomic Diversity and HCT Donor Selection”.
Joint session at EFI
We organized a session at EFI “Society for Immune Polymorphsim: Advances in Clinical Immunogenomics”. This session took place 28 April 2023, 10:30 - 12:00 and had three speakers:
- Ami Bhatt
- Departments of Medicine (Hematology & BMT) and Genetics | Stanford University
- Title: “From Precision Microbial Genomics to Precision Medicine”
- Becca Asquith
- Imperial College London
- Title: “KRs, T cell dynamics, control of chronic virus infection and autoimmunity”
- Effie Petersdorf
- Affiliation: Madeline Dabney Adams Endowed Chair in AML Research, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
- Title: “Imunogenetics of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation”
We organized the Thrid SIP workshop prior to ASHI 2022.
SIP Workshop at ASHI (Las Vegas)
Monday October 24, 2022 0900 - 1700
Immune Polymorphism and Population Dynamics Workshop, New Orleans, LA
New Orleans, October 27-30, 2019
HLA and KIR population dynamics workshop, Ramat Gan, 2018
Ramat Gan, Israel, March 11-14, 2018
For more info check the slack